05 November 2012

High Return Investments

How to choose the right investment and get a higher return on investment? One of the best ways to make your job difficult is to choose the right investment option for your life stage. Yeah right, the choice will depend on things like your age, your attitude to risk and your financial situation. Once you consider all the factors, you will have a better understanding about high return investments.

All investments have risk levels and different. In terms of investment, risk refers to the possibility that your return will fluctuate from year to year. That level of risk varies depending on the type of investment. Generally, the higher the risk of an investment, the higher the potential return. Conversely, the lower the risk of the investment, the lower the potential return.

Shares and property are considered high-risk investments because their profits can fluctuate quite widely from year to year, and within a few years back maybe even negative. High Growth and Diversification of a balanced investment options hold high levels of stock and property.

All investments carry some form of risk, but there are ways how you can manage risk, such as diversification. This means spreading your money in the range of investments (also called asset classes) and not put all your money in one asset class. Due to poor performance in one asset class can be offset by better performance in other asset classes.

When a product or investment instrument is still a new thing, most of the question is about what it stocks, bonds, mutual funds, what is the difference between savings and deposits? Where and how the purchase process? When it started to put some money on the product or investment instruments, the question is when is the right time to maximize profits? Be aware that not all products or investment instruments have the same investment, though the duration and amount of the purchase or placement of funds in the same, then there is no guarantee to get a payoff amount of proceeds or a definite advantage as we want. However, there are some very basic tips, which if followed, can increase the likelihood of an opportunity to maximize the return for investing or benefits that will be delivered through this article.

Tip One: Cost And Price

Cost and price placement or purchase and sales return. The best way to make money work for you by investing is like having your own business. The main goal of any business is to generate results payoff (amount of funds or wealth) more and better costs, purchase price and the risk as low.

When deciding to put the fund or purchase any investment product or instrument, it is important to consider the cost and price of the placement or the purchase and sale back. Just like a savings account each step is essential for success in business.

Tips Utilizing Second Is All Conditions

Utilizing each condition as an opportunity that should not be neglected to obtain the maximum value of the investment.

A business owner must run his own business, can not expect employees to run it for him. Likewise in investing, although currently available special officers can help you manage a number of funds in a product placement or investment instruments at many institutions or financial services institution; You need to be vigilant. As the owner of the funds, you are a business owner. You need to pay attention to new ways to watch the amount of increasing returns on investment for any placement of funds in each investment product or instrument.

Third Tip: Do not Build Confidence Overload

Do not build confidence that excessively fast or the intention is for a short time took the decision to put a large amount of funds in the offer of a financial product or instrument that has likely or high yield return, return on investment is high enough with the time period short, eg 3 or 4 months. You need to give more time to consider the costs, risks and even the reputation of the institution of financial service providers, where the product or financial instrument stand.

Develop some funds to build wealth by buying products or investment instruments are the same as placing funds as capital for the business. Considerations that puts you as a fund, buy products or financial instruments both investment returns and risks are different when the cost or the price offered cheap. Just like in business, you need to calculate for any fees you spend to pay your employees well. To the best employees, you give a higher income. You must treat all employees as partners to achieve success or the success that had been planned together for a period of time.

Not all offer products or investments that promise high probability of investment outcomes are chances that you only need a short time took the decision to take big chances. Instead of any product offerings or investment instruments that have the possibility of very high return on investment you need to consider these carefully before placing funds or buying. You need to pay close attention, cost, price, understand and avoid any possible risk that can occur in the time period required to obtain investment results.

Here is an example of putting the fund in any investment product or instrument bonds by applying the three tips above.

Bonds was one of the many financial products such as securities, securities or effects. Bond debt itself is a statement issued by the government or private companies stating that the issuer will refund the original amount or loan principal and interest at the time (period) has been determined.

Bonds was one of the securities can be transferred by way of sale, in which one factor is the consideration of a higher interest rate than savings deposits. Therefore, by purchasing bonds, we will get the advantage of the potential difference between selling price and fixed income from bonds coupon rate is paid regularly.

Tip One: Cost and Price

Some institutions or financial institutions to issue bonds without the cost of purchasing and do not charge sales return on investment in one year. There is also a set fee in the first year of purchase at 1.25%, and the second year at 0%, but did not set any sales fee back.

What about the price? When you make a decision to buy bonds, there is liquidity risk inherent in the product or the financial instruments, ie whether or not the risk is easy to resell the bonds at a price close to its true value. Especially if you buy in a foreign currency, you will also face the risk of currency fluctuations. Product or bonds denominated in foreign currency also gives the possibility for the issuer has entered the bond trading market outside the country. These bonds are also often used as a hedge against the risk of changes in exchange rate volatility.

For that, you need to protect yourself from this risk by ensuring that the process of issuing the bonds, the company issuing institution or financial institution involving a third party is the trustee who represents your interests as a buyer or investor. In addition, note whether the issuer has committed to set aside a reserve fund to pay interest periodically coupon every month for example.

Second Tip: Using Any Condition

To determine when the right time to buy bonds, then you should note down the rising interest rate return on bonds that already exist in the market, where there is the possibility of decreased or vice versa, increases.

For example: You have a bond purchased 3 years ago. For example, the nominal value is $ 1 billion and this bond gives 7% coupon rate. If you currently want to sell the bonds, which the current interest rate for bonds with the same criteria was 9%. The question is whether there are other investors who can afford to buy your bonds with a return rate was only 7%, whereas the current bond interest rate is 9%? Chances are not. You may try to lower the price of these bonds in order to achieve conformity with other bonds on the market, offering a coupon rate of 9%. This is an example of an inverse relationship between the interest rate the bond price.

Therefore, you should know how sensitive a bond you will have to fluctuations in market interest rates. In general, the longer the maturity date of a bond means the bond is more sensitive to changes in interest rates, or in other words the more fluctuating.

Third Tip: Do not Build Confidence Overload

Investing, as stated at the outset, developed a number of funds to build wealth by buying products or investment instruments are the same as placing funds as capital for your business would not put money or buy a product or investment instruments randomly. Considerations other than the investment you are different risk when cost or low prices offered.

Bond prices can go up or down. That is, there may not return to your original purchase price. Changes in bond prices are determined by the size of the coupon and maturity period. This risk is often referred to as market risk. However, the bonds have a maturity date, so no matter how price movements in bonds, the bonds will be back at nominal prices. Unlike the stock has no maturity so as not to return to our original price of purchase. So the loss of bond, will not be more loss of stock.

In addition, there is also the bond default risk or default risk. Defaults can be defined as the failure of a company to pay both bond coupon or principal payment at maturity. Party issuing a bond instrument (called the issuer or obligor) has the obligation to pay coupon and principal of bonds issued to maturity. This is because the issuer's bankruptcy or financial difficulty so that restructure debt or bonds.

Both risk as the price movements or fluctuations or defaulted on a bond investment instruments, to remind you once again that investing like a business, no one is safe. And not only bonds but also the product or other investment instruments, has a high payoff results, followed by the risk of each different.

In addition to the tips above, of course there are other tips. You can use the above as a consideration in investment, adding even expand it so that the likelihood of an opportunity to maximize the payoff or profit.


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